Get out the door
You might discover some new places when you explore where you live.
One of the challenges of starting to exercise, exercising more regularly, or restarting exercise, is just that: starting. Often it can feel daunting to move from a mostly-sedentary lifestyle to a more active one. The reasons are myriad as to why people aren’t as active as they could be. It might be climate, dislike of exercise, other obligations, job, or in America, the fact that we tend to drive most places.
Even when people to start to exercise it is often done indoors. That doesn’t require daylight, and often the gains from weight training are much quicker than the gains from endurance training. People will train on their treadmills, stationary bikes, or other indoor cardio equipment. These are all good things. Don’t get me wrong, stationary equipment is a great option, and for some it’s by far the most convenient option.
I am a big advocate of exercising right from your door when you can. I know this isn’t a reality for everyone, but there are plenty of options for running, biking, or just walking, for many people. “Exercise” can seem like such a daunting thing, but even a walk from your door counts. Walking or biking to do errands rather than driving. It’s more sustainable and allows for more consistency. It doesn’t require driving to a gym, or finding parking at a trailhead, or loading gear into your car. It’s just putting shoes on or getting on the bike and going. It almost brings us back to being a kid again, when you first started going outside, riding your bike, getting to know where you lived. It’s a very liberating feeling.
Taking the first step and just getting out your door is a great way to start your fitness journey or continue it. Even you have been on a training program for years, it still is great for your aerobic fitness to run your errands on foot or by bike a little more often.
So, start to drive a little less and workout right from your home a little more. Get outside and enjoy where you live. Every moment might not be amazing, but it’s fun journey all the same.
You might find beauty in unexpected places