On Partnership

One of the big questions is why hire a personal coach? Many people might wonder if they are already exercising regularly and feeling fit, what they could stand to gain from having a personalized training plan. One of the big benefits of having a coach is the partnership that creates in your training. Regardless what your goals may be, it’s a lot easier and a lot more fun to go through that journey with someone else.

For professional athletes, they often know just as much as, if not more, than their coaches. But a coach provides a sounding board and inspires confidence in that athlete. They feel ready to perform, and the coach can provide perspective and direction when it is needed. For amateur athletes, it is not much different. The coach may have more objective knowledge, but the athlete still knows themselves best and the coach is there to provide perspective and direction. The coach also builds out a plan that adapts to any athlete’s schedule. There are other demands on scheduling regardless of your level. For a professional that may include sponsor obligations, family, friends, and part-time work. For an amateur, that will likely include a job or school, family, friends, and more. Again, it is an ongoing dialogue between the athlete and coach that helps guide the training plan and the goals.

With a good coach, you start to build out a narrative that forms the story of your athletic career (I use the term “career” broadly here). The partnership may last months, or years, but the end goal is to help the athlete develop positively over time. This is done through a strong partnership that is built on a strong connection. Individualized plans and approaches are key to maximizing the experience for all athletes. The partnership between an athlete and a coach also creates a positive level of accountability for both and inspires growth.

So when we return to that question of why would you hire a personal coach, think of that partnership that will help motivate you and and inspire you to get out the door and maximize your experience.



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